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SAS (Student Agency Services)




Get outside of your comfort zone and immerse yourself in the cultures of Dominican Republic. Join the Guanin team of backpackers and travel with 20 years experienced work in the field student services and researches for a 1 week to all year experiential learning and working at the community of la Piedra.

Volunteers Work
Volunteer Programs

You want to immerse yourself fully in a the real Dominican lifestyle by living and volunteering abroad in the Dominican Republic.


Premed program
Pre-med, Nursing, Dental Program

SAS/Guanin Center offers great opportunities for the students of Medicine, Nursing, Public Health Dental and other Health care professions to get hands-on experience of international practicum.

Learn to Read
Teach English at the Guanin Center, DR. 

This program will serve as classes for the students' "curriculum of life" as well as for their professional, lives--for both the national and international students

Commuty Outreach Service Learning SAS/Guanin
Community Outreach Service Learning

The last 20 years we have been trying to develop and  to improve the quality of life for our Dominican/Haitian community, in six (6) key program areas.

Sport Medicine SAS/Guan, Dominican Republic
Sport Medicine

This special Group or individual programs, are designed for students or volunteers withs unique needs, prevention and care; cancer research and treatment; advocacy for the blind; rehabilitation; family planning and health care coverage

Caves adventure tours, Tainos Tours SAS
Taino Caves Tours

This special tour, for Group or individual, are designed for adventure people with  unique needs, the real Dominican life. 

The Greatest Educational Experience Ever, a program you can trust, with great contacts and 20 years of Experience.

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